Tag Archive | "Wrought Iron Butterflyfish (Chaetodon daedalmahe)"

Wrought Iron Butterfly.(Chaetodon daedalma)

Wrought Iron Butterflyfish (Chaetodon daedalmahe)

Wrought Iron Butterfly.(Chaetodon daedalma)

Wrought Iron Butterfly (Chaetodon daedalma)

Wrought Iron Butterflyfish (Chaetodon daedalmahe)
known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as Black Silk Butterflyfish are found in the Northwest Pacific Ocean around central and southern Japan, primarily around the main islands of Japan south of Sagami Bay; notably Ryukyu, Bonin, and the Ogasawara and Izu Islands, where they are endemic.

Wrought Iron Butterflyfish are a sociable, nomadic species commonly found offshore around the islands of their range, alone, in pairs, and more often in small pods in the clear waters of the rocky, outer coral reefs of their range.

Wrought Iron Butterflyfish occasionally form up into very large schools called “wrought iron balls” as they graze on algae, zooplankton, fanworms, hydroids, gastropods, barnacles, tunicates and other benthic invertebrates over wide areas of the ocean floor, mostly at depths from 35 to over 90 ft.   Many researchers believe that the “wrought iron ball” formations are a defensive strategy.

Wrought Iron Butterfly.(Chaetodon daedalma)

Wrought Iron Butterfly (Chaetodon daedalma)

Wrought Iron Butterflyfish have a black body with yellowish white edged scales that give it a stunning metallic like cross hatched appearance.   The dorsal, anal, and caudal fins are edged in yellow.

Juveniles have a vertical, more white colored splotch on the sides behind the gills that disappear as they grow into adults.

Black Silk Butterflyfish are best housed in a well established FOWLR aquarium of at least 125 gallon capacity with a fine crushed coral or sand substrate, mature live rock arranged into caves, crevices, and overhangs for them to graze on and hide among, and plenty of free swimming space.

Because Wrought Iron Butterflyfish relish tubeworms and pick at Large polyp stone coral (LPS),  Small polyp stone coral (SPS), soft corals, Tridacna clams, and most crustaceans; they are not reef safe.

Wrought Iron Butterfly.(Chaetodon daedalma)

Wrought Iron Butterfly (Chaetodon daedalma)

Chaetodon daedalmahe can be housed alone, in pairs, or with groups of fish of similar size and temperament in the same aquarium without worry.  They are generally shy and peaceful but can become territorial if their aquarium is to small.

Wrought Iron Butterflyfish require a good filtration system, efficient protein skimming, a wave maker for water movement, and a chiller to maintain their cooler water conditions.

Chaetodon daedalmahe have not been reportedly bred in an aquarium environment. They are an oviparous species. Males and females form up into pairs for breeding.

In their natural habitat, Wrought Iron Butterflyfish graze on zooplankton, algae, fan worms, hydroids, gastropods, barnacles, tunicates and other benthic invertebrates in the water column and on the ocean floor. In an aquarium environment, they should be fed a varied diet of high quality omnivore pellets along with fresh or frozen meaty and algae based foods. Krill, mysis, artemia, Cyclops, spirulina, etc. should be fed multiple times daily.

Outside of the Japanese tropical fish keeping trade, Wrought Iron (Chaetodon daedalmahe) are rarely exported and seldom available to fish keeping enthusiasts in the United States. Their rarity, restricted distribution, and cooler water keeping requirements make them a valuable species that when exported and available for sale exceed $2500.00 USD.

Current prices for small size under 2″ specimens start at $5,999.99 USD; Medium 2″-3″ to XLarge 4″-5″ quarantined specimens sell from $7,499.99 to $9,999.99 USD.

Wrought Iron Butterfly.(Chaetodon daedalma)

Wrought Iron Butterfly (Chaetodon daedalma)







Minimum Tank Size: 125 gallons
Aquarium Type: FOLR
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Peaceful
Aquarium Hardiness: Hardy
Water Conditions: Temp 68-75F, dKH 8 – 12°, pH 7.8-8.5, Salinity 1.022-1.026
Max size: 6″
Color Form: Black, Blue, White
Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: Not reef safe
Origin: Ryukyu, Bonin, Izu, Japan
Family: Chaetodontidae
Lifespan: Over 10 years
Aquarist Experience Level: Intermediate

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