Archive | Bacterial Infections

Enteric Redmouth Disease (ERM)

Enteric Redmouth Disease (ERM)

Enteric Redmouth Disease or (ERM) is a bacterial infection found in both freshwater and marine fish. Redmouth disease was first observed in in the 1950s in Idaho rainbow trout hatcheries. It is caused by the pathogen Yersinia ruckeri which is primarily found in cold water fishes like rainbow trout and other salmonids. Being a cold […]

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Swim Bladder Disease in Oranda

Swim Bladder Disease

Swim Bladder Disease, also called Floating Disorder, is a complication of the swim bladder that interrupts the fish from maintaining buoyancy. Although it can affect any species of tropical fish that has a swim bladder, it is especially prevalent among Bettas and Goldfish. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: Fish suffering from swim bladder disease will have a distended […]

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Septicemia or Sepsis is a bacterial infection in the bloodstream of the fish that is characterized by sluggishness, lack of appetite, fin damage, reddish discoloration, bulging eyes, and/or clamped fins. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: Septicemia can be detected initially by redness under the scales of the fish, lesions of hemorrhage, and ulcerations anywhere on the body.  Although […]

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Dropsy in Goldfish


Dropsy also known as Malawi Bloat, is a condition that occurs both in holding ponds and tropical fish keeping aquariums that when not treated promptly, is almost always fatal to the fish.   Dropsy is a bacterial fish disease that targets the internal organs causing the accumulation of water in the belly of the fish which […]

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cloudy eye disease

Cloudy Eye

Cloudy Eye disease is a condition that occurs in both tropical fish keeping aquariums and pond fish.   In many scenarios is is not actually a disease, but a symptom associated with other diseases.   The eyes of the fish become cloudy to the point of becoming white and without treatment, loss of vision will usually occur.  […]

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Popeye Disease


Popeye (exophthalmia)  is another one of the most common preventable bacterial diseases that occurs with aquarium and pond fish. Fluid leakage into the area behind the eyeball causes swelling that eventually pushes the eyeball outward.   As the pressure builds up and the amount of fluid increases, the more the eyeball of the fish is forced […]

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Fin Rot in Clownfish

Fin Rot

Fin Rot (also known as Tail Rot) is one of the most common preventable bacterial diseases that occurs with aquarium and pond fish. Fin rot can be the result of either a bacterial infection (Pseudomonas fluorescens) which causes ragged fin rotting, or a fungal infection that produces a white edge and rots the fin more […]

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Tropical Fish Diseases

The main cause of tropical fish diseases in closed aquarium environments is poor water quality. Healthy water normally means healthy fish, so paying close attention to the conditions in your tank is vital to the well being of it’s inhabitants. In any enclosed environment, disease becomes a problem if regular maintenance is not adhered to.  […]

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