Tag Archive | "Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)"

Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)

Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)

Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)

Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)

The Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum) known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Pacific Sailfin Tang, Sail Fish Tang, Pacific Sailfin Surgeonfish, Purple Sailfinned Tang, Sailfin Surgeon, or Purple Lined Tang can be found in the East Indian Ocean, West Indian Ocean, Australia, Japan, the Red Sea, Indonesia, and the Central West Pacific oceans from Indonesia to the Hawaiian, Pitcairn, and Tuamoto islands, north to southern Japan and the Ogasawara Islands, south to the southern Great Barrier Reef, New Caledonia, and the Rapa Island area ine western and eastern Australia.

The Pacific Sailfin Tang is a Benthopelagic species that is normally encountered alone or in pairs on the seaward tropical reefs and lagoons of their range at depths from the lower surge zone to well over 98 feet where they feed on leafy macroalgae, benthos, and zooplankton. Juveniles are more solitary and prefer living among the rocks and coral of the more protected, sometimes turbid, shallower inner reefs.

Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)

Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)

The adult Sailfin Tang, a.k.a. Pacific Sailfin Tang, has an oval shaped body with large, very high, dorsal and anal fins. It is a brownish colored tang with several broad grayish brown bars that alternate with five vertical yellow stripes that have in

Juvenile Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)

Juvenile Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)

tricate markings within each stripe.  It has a grayish to brown dorsal and anal fins with pale bands and a grayish brown caudal fin.  Some individuals may have a blue to purple brush like patch at the base of a yellow caudal fin.  The pale grayish snout is covered with light freckles.   Compared to other Zebrasoma spp., they have fewer but larger pharyngeal teeth.

Both of the juvenile forms of Zebrasoma veliferum and Zebrasoma desjardinii have alternating yellow and black bars with no brush like patch of setae on the rear portion of the body.   Juveniles may or may not have spots on their fins or body; but as they grow into adulthood, the distinctive spots and bold striping on the fins and body of the Red Sea Sailfin Tang will develop to distinguish the two species.

Sailfin Tangs are best housed in a FOWLR or reef aquarium of at least 180 gallon capacity with a sand or crushed coral substrate, copious amounts of mature live rock for them to graze on and hide among, and plenty of free swimming space. Zebrasoma veliferum are aggressive towards its own species and at times, conspecifics, but peaceful towards other fish of the same or larger size.

Pacific Sailfin Tangs are completely reef safe and make a great addition to large reef systems.

Zebrasoma veliferum are pair spawners that have not yet been successfully bred in an aquarium environment.   Courtship and spawning takes place from morning to afternoon and is frequently confined to ebb tides.   This differs from the open water group egg scattering spawning activity typical of the family Acanthuridae.

In their natural habitat on the tropical reefs, Sailfin Tangs spend their entire day in search of marine algae and any meaty bits of food they can find. In an aquarium environment they will pick on algae on mature live rock but it is important that they are fed plenty of marine based seaweed and algae to strengthen their immune systems, reduce aggression, and improve their overall health.

Nori, Spirulina Flakes, frozen Mysis shrimp, and flake foods soaked in some type of vitamin supplement (Selcon or garlic) to ward off parasites is highly recommended. Some meaty foods should occasionally be introduced to balance their diet. Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad, and Ocean Nutrition are all ideal products that are very easy to use.

The Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum) is commonly available to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts from specialty fish shops, online wholesalers, retailers, and trans shippers at the following approximate purchase sizes from the Indo Pacific: Small: over 2-2.5″ $69.99; Medium: over 2.5-4.5″ $79.99; Large: over 4.5-6.5″, $99.99; X-Large: over 6.5-7.5″, $149.99; XX-Large: over 7.5-8.5″, $199.99; and from Fiji: Small: over 2-2.5″, $59.99; Medium: over 2.5-4.5″, $79.99; Large: over 4.5-6.5″; $89.99.

Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)

Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)







Minimum Tank Size: 180 gallons
Aquarium Type: Reef or FOLR
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi Aggressive
Aquarium Hardiness: Hardy
Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size: 16″
Color Form: Black, White, Yellow, Blue, Orange
Diet: Herbivore
Compatibility: Reef
Origin: Coral Sea, Fiji, Indo-Pacific, Tahiti
Family: Acanthuridae
Lifespan: 5 to 7 years
Aquarist Experience Level: Intermediate

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