Tag Archive | "Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli)"

Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli)

Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli)

Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli)

Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli)

Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli) known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as Ocellate Damselfish are found in the Pacific Ocean from the Moluccas to Samoa, north to the Izu Islands, south to Rowley Shoals in the eastern Indian Ocean and New Caledonia to Fiji.

Princess Damselfish are occasionally exported for the aquarium trade, mostly from Fiji, where they are commonly found living among several of the coral reefs in the region.

Princess Damselfish are found in lagoons and seaward reefs among mixed coral and rubble at depths down to 135 feet where they feed on a variety of benthic algae and small invertebrates.

Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli)

Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli)

Pomacentrus vaiuli have a grayish to blue body color with lighter orange tones on the upper half that extend to the caudal fin, and a small black eyespot on the rear portion of the dorsal fin. The body colors between individuals in various locales vary slightly.

Some specimens have a darker and deeper blue body color, while others exhibit more of a yellow to orange color.

Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli)

Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli)

Princess Damselfish can be housed in a mature reef or FOLR aquarium of at least 30 gallon capacity with a sandy or finely crushed coral substrate and plenty of aged live rock arranged into crevices, caves, and overhangs for them to establish territories and hide among.   This species of damselfish can also be kept in nano reefs.

Princes Damselfish are perfectly reef safe and will not disturb corals, invertebrates, or most peaceful fish species.   Juveniles are peaceful and can be kept in small groups provided plenty of live rock and swimming space is afforded them. As they outgrow the juvenile stage, they may become semi aggressive and territorial towards other damselfish or similarly sized species; however, when housed in a large aquarium with sufficient live rock, moderate to strong water flow, and tank mates that range from peaceful to semi aggressive in temperament; their overall aggression level is easily managed.

Ocellate Damselfish have been bred in an aquarium environment however the larvae are difficult to rear.

Princes Damselfish are oviparous substrate spawners that exhibit distinct pairing during breeding.  After a somewhat prolonged mating dance, the female will deposit her demersal adhesive eggs to a cleaned rock, piece of shell, or other substrate where the male then fertilizes them. The male will aggressively protect and aerate the eggs from other fish until they hatch, usually within a week or so.  The hatched larvae drift away with the current as plankton, feeding on zooplankton and phytoplankton before settling to the bottom.

In their natural habitat, Princess Damselfish feed on a variety of algae and small invertebrates.   In an aquarium environment with plenty of mature live rock, their diet should be augmented with a variety of meaty foods, marine algae, and commercial preparations that include frozen, freeze dried, and flake foods with brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, spirulina, cyclops, Formula I and II, etc.

Although Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli) are not commonly available to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts they can be occasionally purchased online from wholesalers, importers, and specialty retailers from Fiji at reasonable prices.   Pomacentrus vaiuli is a great reef aquarium fish that is easy to keep, can be housed in groups with other peaceful species, and nibbles on troublesome filamentous algae in your tank.

Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli)

Princess Damselfish (Pomacentrus vaiuli)






Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons for singles
Aquarium Type: Reef or FOLR
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Aquarium Hardiness: Very Hardy
Water Conditions: 72-80°F, dKH 8 to 12 , pH 8.1 – 8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size: 3.9″
Color Form: Blue, Yellow
Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: Reef
Origin: Fiji, Tonga
Family: Pomacanthidae
Lifespan: 5 years
Aquarist Experience Level: Beginner

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