Mango Plecostomus (Parancistrus sp. Magnum)
The Mango Plecostomus (Parancistrus sp. Magnum) comes from Brazil and is known from the Rio Xingu, in the area called Volta Grande do rio Xingu, immediately above Belo Monte falls and below Belo Monte village, and from rio Curuá, rio Iriri, the larger tributary of rio Xingu.
The Mango Plecostomus is coveted by most tropical fish keeping enthusiasts because of its beautiful dark olive green, brown, or lime green body coloration and stunning broad bright yellow bands on both the dorsal and caudal fins.
This hard to acquire species makes a fine addition to any heavily planted community tank aquascaped with rocks, driftwood, and sand or medium gravel to mimic their natural habitat. They require highly oxygenated water movement and like higher water temperatures in the 80° F plus range. Lack of highly oxygenated water in their tank will quickly result in reddening around their mouths. This usually returns to normal with the addition of a power head or more surface agitation.
Due to the amount of waste they produce, good filtration systems are needed for most species of plecostomus, especially as they grow larger.
Because the Mango Pleco is a shy fish, rocks and driftwood should be provided for hiding places and to cut down on the fish’s stress.
The Mango Pleco grows to about 11″ and a tank of at least 70 gallons is needed to accommodate them.
The Mango Pleco is an egg laying Plecostomus that tends to use plants and rocks to anchor their eggs. Although breeding in captivity has not yet been successful, different methods are still being tried.
As with most other plecostomus species, the Mango Pleco is happy feeding off the bottom of the aquarium where they get the majority of their nutrition. However, since this species is always “wild caught” they must be closely monitored when purchased to make sure they are eating.
In the wild their diet is composed chiefly of algae, particularly diatoms and filamentous genera such as Spirogyra and smaller amounts of invertebrates such as chironomids and bryozoans.
When initially introduced into your tank, feed them cucumber or other soft vegetables until they become adjusted to aquarium life. Once they have taken to their environment, they are not fussy eaters. Feed them algae wafers, sinking carnivore pellets, tubifex
, freeze dried bloodworms
, high quality flake food and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Mango Plecos are particularly fond of sweet potatoes and algae wafers.
Young Mango Plecostomus when purchased are approximately 1-1/2″ to 2-1/2″ long.

Mango Plecostomus (Parancistrus sp. Magnum)
Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Aquarium Hardiness: Hardy once acclimated
Water Conditions: 78.8-84.2° F, KH 8-12, pH 6.5-7.5
Max. Size: 11″
Color Form: Green, Yellow
Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: Good community tank fish
Origin: Volta Grande do rio Xingu, Brazil
Family: Loricariidae
Live Span: 20 years or more
Aquarist Experience Level: Intermediate