Surge Damselfish (Chrysiptera brownriggii)

Adult Surge Damselfish (Chrysiptera brownriggii)

Adult Surge Damselfish (Chrysiptera brownriggii)

Surge Damselfish (Chrysiptera brownriggii) known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as White Banded Damselfish, and White Banded Damsel are widespread throughout Indo Pacific waters from East Africa to the Marquesas Islands and Society Islands, north to Japan, and south to Australia.

Surge Damselfish are found alone and in small groups on the reef flats, submerged terraces, and around the rubble found in the channels created by the reef tidal surges at depths from 3 to over 40 feet, where they feed on benthic algae, small crustaceans, fish eggs, and algae.

Although adult Surge Damselfish are highly territorial and keep close to shelter in the rubble strewn channels and outermost reaches of exposed reef flats and upper submarine terrace at depths of around 40 feet, they are frequently found in small groups.

Surge Damselfish (Chrysiptera brownriggii)

Surge Damselfish (Chrysiptera brownriggii)

Juvenile Surge Damselfish are a beautiful bright blue and yellow color.   As the become adults, they change into an intriguing gray to gray brown color with a white stripe pattern on the flanks.

Two color phases of Surge Damselfish exist.  A leucopoma phase, which is the blue backed variety; and the amabilis phase, which has a gray to black body that normally has two light bars and a large, blue edged black spot at end of dorsal fin base. Another yellow form has black spots at end of dorsal fin and its base.

Juvenile Surge Damselfish are considered semi aggressive.   As they grow into adulthood, they become more territorial and aggressive toward other species.

Surge Damselfish are best housed in a FOWLR or reef tank of at least 70 gallon capacity with a crushed coral or sandy substrate and plenty of live rock arranged into crevices, caves, and overhangs for them to graze on and hide among.   Their aggressive and territorial behavior makes them unsuitable for keeping with many semi aggressive species, especially when they become adults, however, they can be housed with dottybacks, large angelfish, surgeonfish, and triggerfish. Chrysiptera brownriggii are completely reef safe with corals, larger crustaceans, and with caution, invertebrates.

The reproductive habits of the Surge Damselfish have not been well documented, however, they are oviparous and display distinct pairing during breeding. Pairs follow a benthic egg laying cycle where after a brief courtship “dance”, the female lays her adhesive eggs on the substrate. After the male fertilizes the demersal eggs, he will guard and aerate them until they hatch out. The fry in their larval stage will drift with the current as plankton feeding on zooplankton and phytoplankton before settling to the bottom as a partially developed damselfish.

In their native habitat, Surge Damselfish feed on benthic algae, small crustaceans, fish eggs, and filamentous algae.   In an aquarium environment, they do well on a varied diet of vegetable matter and protein.   Meaty foods like finely chopped frozen seafood, krill, squid, clams, brine shrimp, Copepods, Daphnia salina, Fish larvae, and Mysis shrimp are ideal foods; along with herbivore or Spirulina flakes. Feed small portions several times a day.

Juvenile Surge Damselfish (Chrysiptera brownriggii) are rarely available to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts however online wholesalers, trans-shippers, and retailers occasionally have them for sale at a reasonable cost.

Surge Damselfish (Chrysiptera brownriggii)

Surge Damselfish (Chrysiptera brownriggii)






Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons
Aquarium Type: Reef or FOLR
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Aggressive
Aquarium Hardiness: Hardy
Water Conditions: 73.4 °F – 78.8 °F, dKH 8 to 12 , pH 8.1 – 8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size: 3.15″
Color Form: Brown, Blue, Black, Yellow
Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: Reef
Origin: Indo Pacific
Family: Pomacentridae
Lifespan: 5-6 years
Aquarist Experience Level: Intermediate

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