Leopard Bush Fish (Ctenopoma Acutirostre)

Leopard Bush Fish (Ctenopoma Acutirostre) are also known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as Anabas ocellatus acutirostris, Anabas acuitrostis, Leopard ctenopoma, Spotted Climbing Perch, Spotted Leaf Fish, Spotted Cichlid, and Spotted Ctenoporna.

Leopard Bush Fish are endemic to the Congo River basin in Middle Africa and can be found in the densely vegetated streams, rivers, and even stagnant ponds of their domain where they prey on any fish or insect small enough to fit into their voracious mouths.

Leopard Bush Fish are a highly aggressive, slow moving ambush species that is most active during the evening hours.    They are a labyrinth fish that like to lie motionless close to the surface, mimicking a floating leaf, where they can easily attack unsuspecting fish.

Like all labyrinth species, Leopard Bush Fish have a special labyrinth organ which allows the fish to breathe air and survive in muddy, oxygen depleted waters.

Leopard Bush Fish (Ctenopoma Acutirostre)

Leopard Bush Fish (Ctenopoma Acutirostre)

Ctenopoma Acutirostre have a base body color of yellow to dark brown, with large dark brown spots across the entire body that extend onto the fins.  They have large eyes and a slender, high profile body with a pointed head.

Both sexes have pointed spines on their dorsal, but males possess more developed patches of spines on their gill covers and at the base of their caudal fin.

Leopard Bush Fish can grow to over 6″ in captivity and do best in a densely planted aquarium of at least 55 gallon capacity, with a dark gravel substrate, plenty of driftwood roots, and lots of floating plants to subdue overhead lighting.   They require a lot of swimming space, plenty of places to hide, good filtration, and a tightly fitted tank cover; especially if you want to try breeding the species.

They can be housed in a community aquarium with peaceful fish larger than themselves, but cannot be kept with smaller specimens or aggressive species.   Good tankmates include Gouramis, Bala Shark, Silver Dollars, Corydoras, Plecostomus, Ancistrus Catfish, and other larger peaceful species.

Although Breeding Spotted Leaf Fish has been accomplished in an aquarium environment, it is very rare and there are only a few cases where successful spawning have occurred.   A large tank

Leopard Bush Fish (Ctenopoma Acutirostre)

Leopard Bush Fish (Ctenopoma Acutirostre)

of at least 55 gallon capacity is needed with lots of submerged and floating plants, a bubble type sponge filter, and a tightly fitting cover to provide the warm, humid air necessary for the development of the fry’s labyrinth organs.

The water temperature in the breeding tank should be 79 to 85 °F, with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0, and a water hardness of 2-4 ° dGH.

When ready to breed, the male will build a bubble nest under the floating plants.   The male will wrap his body around the female until she releases her eggs which are immediately fertilized by the male.   The eggs float into the bubble nest and hatch in about 48 hours.

The parents do not care for the eggs or fry and should be removed from the breeding tank.

After 2 days, the fry can be fed infusoria until they are able to accept baby brine shrimp and/or finely crushed flake food.   The fry need plenty of places to hide and the survival rate is reportedly quite low.

Leopard Bush Fish should be fed live, frozen, or freeze dried mosquito larvae, earthworms, tubifex, bloodworms, Drosophila fruit flies, small guppies, etc.   Live foods are preferred, but they can be acclimated to accepting flakes and floating pellets.

Ctenopoma Acutirostre are usually nor readily available to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts in local fish shops but can be occasionally purchased online and from importers at modest prices.


Leopard Bush Fish (Ctenopoma Acutirostre)

Leopard Bush Fish (Ctenopoma Acutirostre)









Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Peaceful
Aquarium Hardiness: Hardy
Water Conditions: 73-83 °F°, 5-12 NK°, pH 6.0-8.0
Max. Size: 7 7/8″
Color Form: Dark Brown, Yellow
Diet: Carnivorous
Compatibility: Aggressive to small fish
Origin: Africa; Congo basin
Family: Anabantidae
Life Span: 8-15 years
Aquarist Experience Level: Advanced

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