Interruptus Angel (Centropyge interruptus)

Interruptus Angel (Centropyge interruptus)

Interruptus Angel (Centropyge interruptus)

The Interruptus Angel (Centropyge interruptus) known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Japanese Angelfish or Japanese Pygmy Angelfish is another rare species found in relatively large concentrations in Southern and Central Japan, and in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands, Midway and Kure.

The Interruptus Angel is a relatively peaceful species that in nature grows up to 6 inches in length and frequents areas in rocky reefs where boulders covered in heavy algae growth are found at depths ranging anywhere from 25 to over 200 feet.

Interruptus Angels have an orange body color covered with purplish, neon blue spots (more like freckles) that become larger towards the tail, and a bright yellow caudal fin.   The larger blue spots become more purple towards the caudal fin and the upper and lower portion of the body towards the rear of the fish morph into purple .

Juvenile Interruptus Angel (Centropyge interruptus)

Juvenile Interruptus Angel (Centropyge interruptus)

Juvenile Interruptus Angels have a black ocellus on the posterior portion of the dorsal fin margined in blue.

Female Japanese Angelfish have blue speckles across the entire bod; while males predominantly on the face.

The vibrant shades of pink and purple, littered with speckled blue dots make the Japanese Angelfish one of the most visually appealing and sought after species in the aquarium trade.

Centropyge interruptus are protogynous hermaphrodites that are born female.   As they mature, when they are about 5 inches in length, the dominant female will change sex to become a male.   The process usually takes approximately 20 to 40 days.

Although the Interruptus Angel can be relatively peaceful in a community aquarium with no other dwarf angelfish, it is best housed in a well established deepwater reef aquarium of at least a 70 gallon capacity with a variety of large polyp stony corals, a few deepwater Acropora species, and plenty of mature, algae covered live rock arranged into caves, overhangs, and crevices for them to hide and graze upon.

The lighting in the tank should be dimmed to replicate their deepwater habitat and a chiller is required to keep the maximum temperature in the tank under 74° Fahrenheit.   Like other deepwater species Interruptus Angels require very stable water conditions and pristine water quality to thrive.   Once acclimated, at least monthly 20-30% water changes are recommended.

Japanese Angelfish can be housed with other peaceful, non threatening tankmates such as Snowflake Clownfish, small wrasses, anthias, gobies, chromis, blennies, Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp, etc.

Although the Interruptus Angel is not considered reef safe; frequent feeding will keep it from nibbling on stony and soft corals, and have it spending time grazing on bits of algae growing on the live rock in the tank.

Interruptus Angelfish are protogynous hermaphrodites that have been bred in an aquarium environment and are now being captive bred.    They are pelagic spawners that in their natural habitat are typically found in pairs on rocky reefs around rich growths of algae.

Males will usually spawn with individual females at dusk.  The pair rise up into the water column where the male encourages the female to release her eggs. The pair join belly to belly and their eggs and sperm are released into the water column.   The eggs rise toward the surface where they become part of the plankton chain and receive no parental care.

In their natural deepwater habitat, Interruptus Angels graze on algae, bethnic invertebrates, and sponges.   In an aquarium environment they are excellent browsers of microalgae and detritus, but they also require frequent feedings of a variety of meaty frozen foods including Mysis, fortified brine shrimp, etc.   Pellets and flake foods containing Spirulina are also eagerly accepted.

Underfed specimens will begin nipping at clam mantles, sea anemones, LPS corals, and some soft corals such as zoanthids.

The Interruptus Angel (Centropyge interruptus) is a rarely collected species that is seldom encountered by tropical fish keeping enthusiasts however, if you should luck out and find one for sale, expect to pay anywhere from $ 3,000.00 or more.   The prices below are for captive bred Interruptus Angelfish:

Medium: over 1.5-2.5″ = $4,000.00
Large: over 2.5-3.5″ = $4,500.00
X-Large: over 3.5-4″, = $5,500.00

Interruptus Angel (Centropyge interruptus)

Interruptus Angel (Centropyge interruptus)








Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons
Aquarium Type: Deepwater Reef
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi Aggressive
Aquarium Hardiness: Difficult to acclimate
Water Conditions: 66-74°F, dKH 8 to 12, pH 8.1 – 8.5, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size: 6″
Color Form: Orange, Purple, Yellow
Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: Reef w/Caution
Origin: Southern Japan, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, Kure and Midway Islands
Family: Pomacanthidae
Lifespan: 2-5 years
Aquarist Experience Level: Expert

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